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How to Get on TV at the Game, And Be the Stars of the Tailgating Lots
In this article, I’ll teach you how to be the star of the show by coordinating your group to spell out words and phrases on your shirts. This hilarious tailgating hack will be sure to get you on TV, or at the very least… on the big screen at the game. I’ll explain the art of the anagram, and how to coordinate your group to spell the maximum amount of words with the fewest people and letters.
Why Professional Football Should Be Banned From Network TVIt doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that professional sports being shown on network TV, football in particular, have absolutely no redeeming value and do not provide any benefit to anybody. Even though they are loosely defined as entertainment, there is nothing entertaining about watching football on television and therefore, it should be banned from network TV. There is much more quality programming that could easily take up the slots that are wasted by professional sport programming. For example, there are many great programs on PBS that are not only educational, many of them also raise money for worthy causes. The only thing advertising on football programming does is perpetuate the unhealthy lifestyles that are destroying American families and American Youth both mentally and physically. The only thing that is worse than sports programming is “reality TV,” which is rarely based on anything real. Please, take a stand, and when NFL football comes to a TV screen near year, turn it off and do something fun and educational with your family. Someday they will thank you for it.
No Wonder Marcus Mariota Is Not Interested in Winning The Heisman TrophyWinning the Heisman trophy may not be all it’s cut out to be. It appears that most quarterbacks long term prospects are better without it.