The Easiest Way to START RUNNING if You’re Overweight

How to start running if you are overweight. In this video I’ve got 5 tips which will help you to start running for weight loss. These beginners running tips will help make running feel easier on your body, and successfully help you to get started with running.



➜ Running for Beginners – 5 Secrets to Make Running Easier:

➜ Strength Training for Runners (Stage 1):

➜ The 5 Minute Warm Up You Need Before EVERY Run:

➜ Running Form – How to Increase Your Stride Length:

➜ How (and WHY) Do Fast Runners Lift Their Heels So High?:





Music by Epidemic Sound:


ABOUT ME: I’m James Dunne, a runner, sports rehabilitation therapist (similar to physical therapist) and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I’ve been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics and physical therapy are real passions of mine. I love to help runners run strong and stay injury free.


#Running #JamesDunne #PhysicalTherapy

The Features of a Good Training Plan

Are you one of those who wait until the last minute to start training for an upcoming race? If so, you may be at the risk of serious injuries. After all, struggling to win the race will put additional stress on your body. To be on the safe side, you may want to stick to a solid training program. For this purpose, you can join a workout analysis platform. A proper training plan ensures your safety and increases your likelihood of success. Let’s discuss some features of a good training plan.

Always Stay Healthy With AccuSure Weighing Scale

Dr. Gene and AccuSure are the registered trademarks for a famous company known as MicroGene Diagnostic Private Limited. This well-known company, MicroGene, is considered to be a multi-national wide-ranging health care organization that is completely devoted to exploring new ways and new technologies for proper health management.

Platelet Rich Plasma for Chronic Knee Pain

We routinely have inquiries on this procedure for the treatment of knee pain. Here is a summary of our approach and the current research.

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