How to catch Mid-Summer JUMBO PERCH!!!

In this tip video Larry breaks down his favorite perch fishing hot spot, LAKE WINNEBAGO!!!

#perchfishing #jumboperch #perch

He shows you some of his favorite lures and rigs, pus some old timer perch fishing secrets to put more jumbo perch in your boat!

Leukemia Through Cord Blood Treatment

We all seem to be aware of the deadly effects of leukemia, especially in infants. The prevalence of the disease interferes with every sphere of our daily lives and activities.

Benefits of Using a Hydrogen Water Bottle

A hydrogen water bottle is a fast and efficient solution to transform everyday tap water into healthy drinking water. It is a very practical self-contained bottle that is useful for taking fluids on the go.

A Man Suffering From Leukaemia Has Been on a Quest to Make Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplants Safer

Leukaemia is a kind of cancer that results in the abnormal production of white blood cells in the body. The only successful treatment that had been known for it is chemotherapy, which keeps it under check. But the recent medical developments have witnessed the use of cord blood stem cell treatment for Leukaemia patients that aren’t cured by chemotherapy alone.

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