Early Summer GIANT MUSKIES!!! [Musky Fishing Tips and Techniques]

On this weeks episode we head back up north with our good friend and guide Jeff Van Remortel to get on some early summer muskies!

Jeff is one of the most knowledgeable and precise musky fisherman that we know with years of dedication and experience, he shows you some of his favorite tips and techniques on how to catch these big muskies!

#musky #muskyfishing #giantmusky

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We film and air a new episode every week, 52 weeks a year, to make sure you’re getting the most up to date action possible! Our team of professional anglers and hunting guides will help you learn fishing tips, hunting techniques, when & where to fish/hunt, best lures & live bait rigging, and everything in between. Larry Smith has been a full time fishing guide for 30+ years, and now is using his experience to educate and involve the community, because here at Larry Smith Outdoors, we believe in the outdoors!

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How to Get Rid of Fatigue and Increase Vitality

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