Bird In Flight Photography - Crash Course!

Bird In Flight Photography – Crash Course!

Grab my NEW Bird-In-Flight book! If you like this video, you’ll LOVE the book: Want to discover the secrets to amazing bird in flight (BIF) photography? Check out this 18 minute video with my TOP TEN techniques for photographing…

Canon 400 f/5.6L Lens Review - Affordable, Light and Super Sharp - Bird Photography Gear Review

Canon 400 f/5.6L Lens Review – Affordable, Light and Super Sharp – Bird Photography Gear Review

Canon 400 5.6L Lens Review with high quality bird photographs. Join me in the field as I put the EF400 5.6L lens through its paces, I also showcase some of my favourite images taken over the years, and I compare…

Bird Photography Behind The Scenes: Fairywrens Up Close  - Jan Wegener

Bird Photography Behind The Scenes: Fairywrens Up Close – Jan Wegener

Tiny bright blue birds, that feed from your hand!? That can’t be real!? Well it is! Making slow-motion Fairywren videos has been a fun project of mine and my most popular content thus far with millions of views. For today’s…

Finding Your Subject With A Long Lens

Finding Your Subject With A Long Lens

One of the most common problems I observe while in the field – and during my workshops – is when someoneΒ can’t find the subject in their viewfinder while using a telephoto lens. Nothing’s quite as cringeworthy as watching a photographer…

We Started Using Binoculars for Birding (At The Perfect Time!)

We Started Using Binoculars for Birding (At The Perfect Time!)

In this video we experience and incredible day of birding and bird photography at Point Pelee National Park. The annual spring songbird migration was in full swing, and this time we were ready with a new pair of binoculars. Here…

how to choose binoculars | best binoculars on a BUDGET

how to choose binoculars | best binoculars on a BUDGET

Below are Amazon links to the binoculars that I recommend in the video, but please note that I made this video in 2019 and prices may have slightly changed: Nikon 7246 Action 10×50 EX Extreme All-Terrain Binocular link here: (^this…

Bird Watching Tips (Birding)

Bird Watching Tips (Birding)

In this video I give my top 15 bird watching tips. Birdwatching (birding) is my favorite hobby, and it is my dream to get more people interested in this hobby. My best birding tips that I discuss in this video…

How To Balance A Gimbal Head

How To Balance A Gimbal Head

“Hey! You’re doing it wrong!” That’s what I want to shout pretty much every time I’m out and spot other wildlife photographers with gimbal heads. It seems that well over half of them think they have their gimbal properly balanced…

Our Bird Photography Gear (Camera and Lens Advice)

Our Bird Photography Gear (Camera and Lens Advice)

In this video, we discuss the cameras and lenses we use for bird photography. We both shoot with a Canon 7D cameras (Mk I and Mk II) and Canon telephoto lenses. Ashley – Canon EF 400mm F/5.6L: Trevor – Canon…

Bird Photography Tips and Tricks

Bird Photography Tips and Tricks

Bird Photography Tips and Tricks: In this video I show you how I set up perches to capture top portraits of small birds. Please like and share the video. Feel free to ask me a question or add a comment…